Who we are
Task Forces / Working Groups
African elephants FAQ
Savanna elephants in Buffalo Springs National Reserve, Kenya © Shifra Goldenberg
Useful PDFs
2022 AfESG Annual Report (870.85 KB)
King et al., HEC Toolbox English V2 2023 PDF (S) (66.19 MB)
King et al., HEC Toolbox French V2 2023 PDF (S) (71.78 MB)
King et al., HEC Toolbox Kiswahili V2 2023 PDF (S) (86.84 MB)
AfESG African elephant status reports
AfESG African Elephant Status Report 2016
(103.06 MB)
AfESG African Elephant Status Report 2007
(18.58 MB)
AfESG African Elephant Status Report 2002
(8.65 MB)
AfESG African Elephant Status Report 1998
(10.94 MB)
AfESG African Elephant Database 1995
(13.71 MB)
Human-elephant conflict and coexistence tools and reports
A training course for community-based approaches in Africa: trainer’s manual 2007
(245.76 KB)
A training course for community-based approaches in Africa: participant’s manual 2007
(1.88 MB)
Formation sur les approches communautaires en Afrique: Manuel du particpant, 2007
(1.94 MB)
Formation sur les approches communautaires en Afrique: Manuel du formateur, 2007
(340.07 KB)
Data collection and analysis protocol for human-elephant conflict situations in Africa
(380.12 KB)
Protocole de collecte de donnes et d’analyse des situations de conflits hommes-elephants en Afrique
(334.26 KB)
Protocolo de recolha e análise de dados para situações de conflito entre humanos e elefantes em África
(436.82 KB)
A decision support system for managing human-elephant conflict situations in Africa
(786.70 KB)
Un system de soutien aux decisions pour la gestion des situations de conflit hommes-elephants en Afrique
(858.73 KB)
Sistema de apoio à decisão para a gestão de situações de conflito entre humanos e elefantes em África
(658.20 KB)
Training package for enumerators of elephant damage
(332.00 KB)
Manuel de formation pur les informateurs de degats causes par les elephants
(361.80 KB)
Pacote de formação paraenumeradores de danos dos elefantes
(314.16 KB)
CITES-related documents
E-CoP19-Inf-64 The status of Africa’s elephants and updates on issues relevant to CITES
(2.20 MB)
E-AC32-46-1 Report of the specialist on zoological nomenclature
(292.40 KB)
E-SC77 African Elephant Action Plan
(646.44 KB)
AfESG proceedings and documents
AfESG Members Meeting 2022 Agenda
(1.23 MB)
Proceedings of the AfESG members’ meeting July 2019 French
(4.91 MB)
Proceedings of the AfESG members’ meeting July 2019 English
(5.13 MB)
AfESG reports and statements
2020 African Elephant SG Report
(6.43 MB)
2019 African Elephant SG Report
(3.17 MB)
2018 African Elephant SG Report
(1.53 MB)
AfESG statement on elephant deaths in Botswana 2020
(119.32 KB)
Taxonomy report 2019
(1.15 MB)
Elephants in the dust 2013
(30.81 MB)
Elephant Meat Trade in Central Africa 2011
(15.16 MB)
Commerce de viande d’éléphant en Afrique centrale 2011
(13.58 MB)
Review of options for managing local overabundance 2007
(626.80 KB)
AfESG Statement and Resolutions on the Role of Captive Facilities in in-situ
(28.74 KB)
Guidelines for the in situ translocation of African elephants 2003
(773.18 KB)
Statement from AfESG on the removal of African elephants for captive use (2003)
(18.66 KB)
Survey standards and techniques
Hedges 2012 Monitoring Elephant Populations & Assessing Threats
(3.86 MB)
MIKE Aerial Standards Version 2.0 August 2012
(1.40 MB)
Norton-Griffiths1978 Counting Animals
(4.96 MB)
Who we are
Task Forces / Working Groups
African elephants FAQ
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